Introducing Liz Pearce as a Mentor for the Master of Science in Entrepreneurship Program
The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship is Foster’s new 12-month degree that embodies the startup process — from ideation and formation to execution and scale. It blends the best of business school education, practical content, world-class Seattle connections, and time in the program for students to get their startup off the ground. Our goal for students: turn that spark into reality.
“I mentor student entrepreneurs because giving back feels great!”
As a mentor, I excel at…
Go To Market (sales, marketing, customer success), product development, fundraising, business models/pricing.
Don’t ask me about…
Engineering, legal.
The one thing people should know about me is…
I’m an accidental entrepreneur.
My favorite entrepreneurial book, blog, podcast is…
The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Ben Horowitz).
When I have free time, I…
Hang out with my kids, read, cook, and exercise.
I manage everyday stress by…
If I’m going out to dinner, I’ll generally order…
Fried chicken.
As a kid, I was fascinated by…
Being an adult.
As an adult, I’m fascinated by…
How we manage our own psychologies.
The person I admire most is…
Barack Obama.
I describe myself as…
Tenacious, competitive, organized, funny, stubborn.
My motto/tagline is…
The karma bus drives in circles.
Anything else we should know about you?
Can’t to wait to meet the first M.S. Entre class!
Originally published at on May 29, 2017.