Introducing Josh Dirks as a Mentor for the Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship is Foster’s 12-month degree that embodies the startup process — from ideation and formation to execution and scale. It blends the best of business school education, practical content, world-class Seattle connections, and time in the program for students to get their startup off the ground. Our goal for students: turn that spark into reality.
“I mentor student entrepreneurs because I had the incredible honor of being mentored by many great people throughout my life and giving back now is one of the most rewarding things I get to do. I believe in the stewardship of human capital and there is no better way to steward the generation of today or tomorrow than giving them your thoughts, ideas, and insights.”
As a mentor, I excel at…
Leadership development, business planning, marketing strategy and execution, building corporate culture, and honing in one’s thought leadership.
Don’t ask me about…
Finances or super deep technical questions.
The one thing people should know about me is…
I have had a front-row seat to the internet marketing industry rise and have a deep understanding of how marketing in these arenas can impact a company or organization. I don’t like BS and sacred cows.
My favorite entrepreneurial book, blog, podcast is…
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Getting Naked
Dare to Lead
When I have free time, I…
Spend it with my kids, wife and two dogs. I’m an avid sports fan and still play a lot of sports regularly. The outdoors, hiking, being on the water are also passions but I cook to decompress and let me creative side out.
I manage everyday stress by…
Setting the tone for my day with a routine of stretching, meditation, prayer, and journaling all before 6AM. Then I hit the gym and get to the office by 8:30. If you aren’t taking care of you then how can you take care of your people or company.
If I’m going out to dinner, I’ll generally order…
What the staff recommends, I eat all kinds of foods and am always looking for new stuff to try so that I can attempt it at home myself.
As a kid, I was fascinated by…
Animals and business; I wanted to create the world’s largest conservation theme parks, think Jurassic Park without dinosaurs.
As an adult, I’m fascinated by…
Tech, how we’re evolving as a human species, leadership, sports, emerging markets, and food.
The person I admire most is…
My grandfather Lawrence Dirks
I describe myself as…
Passionate, Driven, Natural Leader, Eternally curious, Glass is always half full
My motto/tagline is…
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Control who and what you control and 99% of the time that is you and how you show up.
Be diligent in the small things and the bigger things will follow.
Originally published at on August 2, 2019.