Getting a Job in the US After Graduating from the UW GEMBA Program
Current Role: Senior Financial Analyst at Amazon in Seattle, WA since 2020
How important was getting a Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) from Foster in helping you to continue to grow and advance in your career?
Getting my MBA degree from the GEMBA program was instrumental in helping me find a job in the local Seattle market, and many of the courses helped me build skills that helped me later in my career. The course was well-structured with a lot of classes fitting into a limited timeline. We had to work hard, but somehow had enough time to get everything done. GEMBA helped me get a feel of the local industry and culture, which is so different from the one I was used to.
Which GEMBA courses benefitted you the most?
Out of all the great courses, one that stands out in particular was decision modeling; its application in the work context is ubiquitous and I only wish that we had a more intense decision modeling course. Another was accounting, which helped me strengthen my accounting basics, which everyone in finance and business needs to know. Other courses such as operational management were very interesting and informative but did not figure into my final role since I’m in finance.
What advice would you give to someone looking for an MBA?
Be prepared to be assertive in asking for what you need since everyone comes from a different background and has different needs. Don’t worry about other people being smarter than you, because you only learn when you associate with people who are better than you in different fields. Engage with local events, conferences, and social events as much as possible; it might not help you get a job, but it will help you learn the local culture and standards that you will face when you start working. And finally, the GEMBA team at Foster will always be your best resource; they are always ready with good advice, pointers, and a sympathetic ear.
The one-year Global Executive MBA program is designed for individuals who have strong international experience. Learn more.
Originally published at on February 15, 2022.