Introducing Mamtha Banerjee as a Mentor for the Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship is Foster’s new 12-month degree that embodies the startup process — from ideation and formation to execution and scale. It blends the best of business school education, practical content, world-class Seattle connections, and time in the program for students to get their startup off the ground. Our goal for students: turn that spark into reality.
“I mentor student entrepreneurs because I derive great satisfaction from supporting the startup ecosystem and watching student entrepreneurs grow!”
As a mentor, I excel at…
Product development: MVP (from ideation to market), lean analytics, product market fit; Customer Development; Accelerators, fundraising & pitching for seed rounds.
Don’t ask me about…
Legal; Blockchain technology.
The one thing people should know about me is…
I am passionate about bringing more girls and women into STEM careers.
My favorite entrepreneurial book, blog, podcast is…
The Hard Things about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz.
When I have free time, I…
Spend time with family and friends, and read to catch up on new concepts and technologies.
I manage everyday stress by…
Running — its allows me to clear my thoughts and generate ideas.
If I’m going out to dinner, I’ll generally order…
Salad, Veggies & dessert 🙂
As a kid, I was fascinated by…
Books and mystery fiction.
As an adult, I’m fascinated by…
Technology — the explosive rise of voice assistants like Alexa; and growing leaders.
The person I admire most is…
Barack Obama
I describe myself as…
Passionate, focused, goal oriented, open minded, risk-taker.
My motto/tagline is…
Rules are meant to be broken and boundaries are a figment of our culture!
Originally published at on January 22, 2020.