Introducing Andy Kleitsch as a Mentor for the Master of Science in Entrepreneurship
The Master of Science in Entrepreneurship is Foster’s new 12-month degree that embodies the startup process — from ideation and formation to execution and scale. It blends the best of business school education, practical content, world-class Seattle connections, and time in the program for students to get their startup off the ground. Our goal for students: turn that spark into reality.
“I mentor student entrepreneurs because I get so much from mentoring… but one of the things I cherish most is how student entrepreneurs want to make the world a better place. Success to them is not just a financial goal. They create businesses which hold true to their core values AND make a buck. This view of success is intoxicating. I gulp it up!”
As a mentor, I excel at…
THE PITCH. My greatest strength is working with students as they attempt to succinctly describe their business in a powerpoint deck. I help with positioning the product / opportunity / go-big vision / what investors want to hear (and don’t want to hear) / what to highlight / sales projections / amount to raise and more.
Don’t ask me about…
Financial modeling.
The one thing people should know about me is…
I always want students to GO BIGGER. Sure, you may have a fine idea for one market — but what about world domination?
My favorite entrepreneurial book, blog, podcast is…
Book: Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why, by Laurence Gonzales
Podcast: Around the Coin
When I have free time, I…
Enjoy boating on Puget Sound with my family.
I manage everyday stress by…
Walking my dog on the beach.
If I’m going out to dinner, I’ll generally order…
Tacos (preferably from a taco truck).
As a kid, I was fascinated by…
Windsurfing. Specifically, looping on a windsurfer. I would watch windsurfing videos — frame by frame — to learn the secret of looping. Sadly, after many tries, I never did land one.
As an adult, I’m fascinated by…
New business ideas, new business models, and entrepreneurs in general. On a Saturday night, I may stay up till 2am writing a business plan… for fun.
The person I admire most is…
My wife. For living with a crazy person for 21 years.
I describe myself as…
My motto/tagline is…
Everything is good. (There are no bad outcomes — everything that happens is good.)
Originally published at on August 4, 2017.